A long time a ago, when reality was spirit instead of matter, our physical reality as we know it today, did not exist. It had to be created.
A selection of spiritual creatures (let’s call them t-angels) were assigned the task: build Euclidean space, linear time, space-time, the laws of momentum and energy, the laws of chemistry, DNA … In short, bring about the key structures of our present physical reality; the ones thanks to which light moves on world lines, the right-hand rule lies behind both the behaviour of cork screws and electromagnetic fields, water always boils at the same temperature.
The t-angels harvested and mined the ingredients they needed; used an assortment of different forges and cauldrons for different stages. In each stage, similar actions took place: first, combine and churn the ingredients into Matter, then compress, fold, and grind the Matter, finally transfigure it. Think of the Matter as a sheet of paper that gets crumpled into a wad. The folds of the wad were deliberate and meaningful. T-angels carved and soldered within them.
Each stage had a level of contraction of the wad. There were many stages. Our story begins during the second, when a topology and some lattice structures (those were the ingredients), had to be forged and transfigured. Eventually, in some later stage still, the topology would become what we now know and experience as space: by coordinatizing the neighourhouds, constructing affine connections between them, and so on; similarly, the lattices still needed quite a lot of work before some of them would be boolean. It sounds complicated, and so it was. Indeed, t-angels were powerful creative forces, single-minded and meticulous.
Their dedicated nature might explain why something went terribly wrong, during what was probably the second stage. One t-angel labored deep within the folds of the Matter. Her work was crucial. She got so caught up in her work, that she did not notice the sign which indicated that this stage was finished. The Matter was taken out of its assigned cauldron, with Phusiqa (that is the name of our t-angel) still inside. The wad of Matter cooled down to a different, more dense level of contraction. Not until much much later (for what seemed like an eternity) did it, locally, decontract again to the level of phase two.
This is where our story begins.